:: Developed by Ian8VT ::set the path to your SAGA program SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\saga6 ::set the prefix to use for all names and outputs SET pre=SRTMdem ::set the directory in which you want to save ouputs. In the example below, part of the directory name is the prefix you entered above SET od=W:\lab3\data\num\srtm_dem_mosaic :: the following creates the output directory if it doesn't exist already if not exist %od% mkdir %od% :: Run Mosaicking tool, with consideration for the input -GRIDS, the - saga_cmd grid_tools 3 -GRIDS=N40E029.sgrd;N39E029.sgrd -NAME=%pre%Mosaic -TYPE=9 -RESAMPLING=0 -OVERLAP=1 -MATCH=0 -TARGET_OUT_GRID=%od%\%pre%mosaic.sgrd :: Run UTM Projection tool saga_cmd pj_proj4 24 -SOURCE=%od%\%pre%mosaic.sgrd -RESAMPLING=0 -KEEP_TYPE=1 -GRID=%od%\%pre%mosaicUTM.sgrd -UTM_ZONE=35 -UTM_SOUTH=0 :: Analytical Hillshading - saga_cmd ta_lighting 0 -ELEVATION=%od%\%pre%Mosaic_reclassified.sgrd -SHADE=%od%\%pre%hillshade.sgrd :: Sink Route - saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 1 -ELEVATION=%od%\%pre%Mosaic_reclassified.sgrd -SINKROUTE=%od%\%pre%sinkroute.sgrd :: Sink Removal - saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 2 -DEM=%od%\%pre%Mosaic_reclassified.sgrd -SINKROUTE=%od%\%pre%sinkroute.sgrd -DEM_PREPROC=%od%\%pre%sinkfilled.sgrd :: Flow Accumulation - saga_cmd ta_hydrology 0 -ELEVATION=%od%\%pre%sinkfilled.sgrd -SINKROUTE=%od%\%pre%sinkroute.sgrd -FLOW=%od%\%pre%flowaccumulation.sgrd -METHOD=4 :: Channel Network - saga_cmd ta_channels 0 -ELEVATION=%od%\%pre%sinkfilled.sgrd -CHNLNTWRK=%od%\%pre%channelnetwork.sgrd -CHNLROUTE=%od%\%pre%channelroute.sgrd -SHAPES=%od%\%pre%channelnetworktable -INIT_GRID=%od%\%pre%flowaccumulation.sgrd -INIT_VALUE=1000 ::print a completion message so that uneasy users feel confident that the batch script has finished! ECHO Processing Complete! PAUSE